The design I have chosen is "MSN Messenger". It is a very well known software which can make people communicate with each other though internet easily. When I first read the exercise sheet this is the design pop into my head. A very smart design that I use everyday.
MSN Messenger is a very trustworthy service, it won't send any of your personal information to anyone else.
Appropriate: I think MSN is appropriate, because any age group can use this service and it is also very easy to learn.
Smart: MSN is a smart design because everyone in the world can connect through this service, there are also mini games for people to play.
Responsive: It may take time of you to wait for the other person to reply your message, or if sometime your internet is not working the MSN will disconnect too.
Clever: This service is very clever, because if you use this service you can communicate to your friend that also have MSN and it can also do conversation with more than one person within one window.
Lucid: MSN is very lucid, but it will still take a little time to learn how to use it.
Pleasurable: It is very pleasurable, because first of all you can communicate with friends that you might not see that often, and second it is free!!
Image taken from http://www.goolge.com/
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