Sunday, March 9, 2008

my cake story

oh sorry about the confusion everyone here is my story ......

in the distance a table full of bright vivid colours catches my eye, it is emphasized by the large white space beside it. As i came closer i realize that the large white area is actually a canvas like cake! The cake is so large it seems like it can only be from a childhood dream. i investigate closer and see that there are palettes, cups, and spray bottles full of colourful liquid and creamy colourful icing. The sweet comforting smell of confectioners sugar fills the air like a vanilla cloud. i grab for the bright yellow bottle and begin to spray, splashes of bright colour fall upon the cake and my creativity is intrigues...."what other colours can i create?". blending the little bottles of colourful dye i mix it with the icing to create my own custom colour- i squeeze, throw, and squirt it on to my edible canvas. amused with how much fun colour can be i decide to be bold, thrusting large hand full of bright candy sphere across the cake adding to the texture and colour of my abstract confection. finally after playing for what seems to be hours ... i am satisfied and put down the spatula and grab some cake!!

okay so i was think for a need to do list here are some things to start:
sourcing- we are going need a large amount of icing and probably 12 cake mix boxes... does anyone have a costco membership?
as well as rubber gloves, forks, knive, plates, napkins, icing spatulas, sprinkles, candy, dixie cups, popscicle sticks, spray bottles, eggs, butter, table cloth, alluminum foil,3 packages or more of food colouring, plexiglass, hair elastics, clingwrap, garbage bags, signs,

if anyone has any suggestions for pricing, where we can find the best price or bulk purchasing ideas please lemme know

also i was thinking that make we could do amini tast test to see which icing is prefered as well a class poll on cake flavours. due to the size and construction of the cake it is possible to have both chocolate and vanilla or any other flavour that is also something we can brain storm

though i have alot of idea on possible decoration mediums it would be cool to add to them if anyone has any suggestion

i'm really excited about this project and i really do hope that the final peice is truely something out of willy wonka.... meets art

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